european federation of national
youth orchestras
the future of
Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union
This work programme has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the view only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Youth Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine
Jovem Orquestra Portuguesa (JOP) at Stadthalle Kassel
Photo credit: Mario Zgoll

Since 1994 the finest pre-professional youth orchestras of Europe have been working closely together and formed an association known as the European Federation of National Youth Orchestras (EFNYO).
With its 36 member organisations to date, EFNYO provides a platform for the exchange of expertise in music training, music performance, audience engagement, transnational mobility and intercultural dialogue between the leading national and international youth orchestras of Europe. Assuming and sharing responsibility for skilling future generations of musicians, the Federation truly benefits from its unique position at the interface of higher music education and the music profession.
As an advocacy network, EFNYO enhances communication, cooperation and capacity-building between its members and networking partners in Europe and overseas.
EFNYO cooperation projects involve activities ...
> to sustain and shape the future of symphonic music in Europe
> to nurture new youth orchestra initiatives on a national/international level
> to highlight the excellence of European musical talent gathered in pre-professional youth orchestras
> to foster transnational mobility, professional and audience-building skills for pre-professional musicians
> to enhance the interest of young musicians and new audiences in musical diversity and contemporary music performance
In addition, we consider it as our major duty to deal with cultural political matters and policy changes relevant to both music education and the music profession. Our objectives are to guarantee a healthy environment for training new generations of musicians and to ensure adequate economic and social structures for cultural organizations and audiences throughout the EU.
EFNYO organises at least one General Assembly per year and working group meetings for its members, musicians, and networking partners. EFNYO board members regularly participate in international conferences, such as the annual meetings of the Association Européenne des Conservatoires, the European Music Council, Culture Action Europe, and conferences of European Orchestras Associations.
Within the EFNYO programme "MusXchange", we offer a wide range of training formats for musicians and managers. In today's social, cultural and economic environment, symphony orchestras and music ensembles of any kind need to diversify in the ways they perform, communicate and engage with audiences. In skilling next generations of musicians, we also regard it as essential to offer training on entrepreneurial skills and career management in order to diversify the professional portfolio and raise the competitiveness of young music professionals on the European labour market.
MISSION STATEMENT The European Federation of National Youth Orchestras is a major driving force for symphonic music. An expanding association deeply rooted in European musical life, it provides a unique platform for the exchange of experience in orchestra training. Taking responsibility for orchestra musicians of the future, EFNYO initiates cooperation projects and supports mobility of young musicians. Founded in 1994, it develops strong links with the educational and professional music sectors. EFNYO member orchestras display high artistic standards, enthusiasm and vitality of youth in concerts throughout Europe.
MISSION STATEMENT La Fédération Européenne des Orchestres Nationaux de Jeunes (EFNYO) est l'un des acteurs majeurs de l'avenir de la musique symphonique. Profondément ancrée dans la vie musicale européenne, cette association en constante expansion constitue une plate-forme unique de partage d'expériences et de réflexions sur la formation à l'orchestre. Consciente de sa responsabilité à l'égard des futurs musiciens d'orchestre, l'EFNYO est à l'initiative de projets de coopération et contribue activement à la mobilité des jeunes musiciens. Fondée en 1994, elle a développé des liens forts avec les structures d'enseignement et les structures professionelles du secteur musical. Le très haut niveau des concerts donnés par les orchestres de la fédération reflète l'enthousiasme et la vitalité des musiciens de demain.
MISSION STATEMENT Die Europäische Vereinigung der Nationalen Jugendorchester (EFNYO) setzt wesentliche Impulse für die Zukunft der symphonischen Musik. Als eine expandierende und tief im europäischen Musikleben verankerte Organisation bietet sie eine einzigartige Plattform für den Austausch von Erfahrungen in der Orchesterausbildung. Im Bewusstsein ihrer Verantwortung für den Orchesternachwuchs initiiert die EFNYO Kooperationsprojekte und unterstützt die Mobilität junger Musikerinnen und Musiker. Seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 1994 unterhält sie enge Beziehungen mit führenden Einrichtungen der Musikausbildung und des professionellen Musiklebens. In den Konzerten der Mitgliedsorchester in ganz Europa verbindet sich hohes künstlerisches Niveau mit der Begeisterung und Musizierfreude der Orchestermusiker von morgen.
MISSION STATEMENT La Federazione Europea delle Orchestre Nazionali Giovanili (EFNYO) costituisce uno dei maggiori punti di forza per il futuro della musica sinfonica. Profondamente ancorata alla vita musicale europea, questa associazione in costante espansione costituisce una piattaforma unica per lo scambio di esperienze e di riflessioni sulla formazione orchestrale. Conscia della sua responsabilità nei confronti dei futuri professori d'orchestra, l'EFNYO dà vita a progetti di cooperazione e contribuisce attivamente alla mobilità dei giovani musicisti. Fondata nel 1994, ha sviluppato dei forti legami con le strutture didattiche e professionali del settore musicale. L'altissimo livello dei concerti eseguiti dalle orchestre della federazione è lo specchio dell'entusiasmo e della vitalità dei musicisti di domani.
MISSION STATEMENT La Federación Europea de Jóvenes Orquestas Nacionales (EFNYO) es una fuerza impulsora de primera magnitud para el futuro de la música sinfónica. Es una asociación en expansión, profundamente arraigada en la vida musical europea, que supone una plataforma única para el intercambio de experiencias sobre el ámbito de la formación orquestal. Asumiendo responsabilidad para los músicos orquestales del futuro, la EFNYO inicia y desarrolla proyectos de cooperación y apoya la movilidad de jóvenes músicos. Fundada en 1994, ha desarrollado fuertes vínculos con los sectores educativos y profesionales del mundo musical. Las orquestas miembro de la EFNYO muestran un altísimo nivel artistico, el entusiasmo y la vitalidad de la juventud en los conciertos que celebran por toda Europa.
MISSION STATEMENT A Federação Europeia de Jovens Orquestras Nacionais (EFNYO) afirma-se como a força impulsionadora do futuro da música sinfónica. Com profundas raizes na vida musical europeia, a federação caracteriza-se por uma dinâmica de permanente expansão, enquanto plataforma única de encontro e troca de experiências no campo da formação orquestral. Ao assumir a responsabilidade pelos futuros instrumentistas de orquestra, a EFNYO promove projetos de cooperação e mobilidade dos jovens músicos. Desde a sua fundação, em 1994, que desenvolve fortes laços com os setores educacionais e profissionais da música. Os concertos, que as orquestras da federação apresentam por toda a Europa, combinam um elevado nível artístico com o entusiasmo e a vitalidade da alegria juvenil de fazer música.